Years Experiance
About Us
Tabasamu Sacco Society Limited was registered on 18th February 1977 under Co-operatives Societies Act (Cap 490) of the laws of Kenya as a savings and credit co-operative society. After years of successful business operation, Tabasamu Sacco society Ltd is now a deposit taking Sacco society having been registered as such in 2014 by SASRA (Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority). As a result the Sacco operates a FOSA (Front Office Savings Activities) which offers a new range of products and has enhanced service delivery to members.
Members of the Society are drawn from Teachers, Government Ministries, Parastatals, Non- Governmental Organizations and the Private Sector. Currently, the Society has nearly 4,000 active members and almost all members have accounts in the FOSA.
The Sacco leadership is committed to the achieving the Sacco mission and ensures efficient service delivery and attractive products at the most competitive rates. The Sacco offers competitive returns on savings schemes and on members deposits in the Sacco.
The Sacco recognizes, respects and honours its members, peer Saccos, TSC, the government and government agencies and all stakeholders by adhering to good governance practices and observing the co-operative principles namely;
The Supreme policy-making organ is the Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM) comprising The clusters representing all sub counties in the County. The Clusters elects members of the Board of Directors from among the members and the same ratified at the ADM. The Board is the governing and policy making authority of the Sacco and thus oversees the running of the affairs of the Society.
The Board appoints the Chief Executive officer of the Sacco and staff who run the day-to-day affairs of the society and implements Board policies and decisions. The ADM elects an independent organ, the Supervisory Committee from among the members. The Supervisory Committee enhances checks and balances through its mandate which include examination of the books of account review of operations and reporting appropriately to members in ADM and the Commissioner for Co-operatives Development and Marketing.
Current Management
GM Finance & Strategy
GM Operations & ICT
GM Business Development & Research
Senior Accountant Account & Administration
Head of ICT
Head of Branches
Head of Credit
Senior Marketing Officer
Head of internal Audit & Compliance
Tabasamu SACCO’s main activity is saving and credit. The SACCO provides its services through organized BOSA and FOSA Activities to improve the member’s standards of living through access to affordable financial services.
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